Friday, July 30, 2010


One place I wanted to scratch off our "to do" list this summer
was to hit Sonic and experience carhops!

They have a wonderful do$$ar menu!
Perfect sized sundaes with Reece's, Snickers, Oreos, or M&M's.

After 8p.m. they have $1 sundaes!
We got hot yummy!

Happy Hour is 2-4p.m.
1/2 off all drinks!

We love surprising the kids once they have their jammies on
and hopping in the car and heading to Sonic!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Popcorn Obsession

My kids LOVE popcorn! They want it every time we sit down for a movie! I also make it before we go to the movies! I know I'm not supposed to bring "outside" food into a theater, but for one I cannot pay those prices, especially if we are there for the free movie (cuz seriously we then lose the free factor) and I don't want my kids eating that unhealthy oil/butter!

I discovered how to make this popcorn from The Frugal Girls Website. All you need is 1/3 cup popcorn kernels, brown paper lunch sack, and some tape! Hit the microwave button and voila! You have healthy, easy popcorn for your peeps!

With all the talk about microwave popcorn and the fumes and so many are made with partially hydrogenated oil...I try to find alternatives for my guys!

My husband was shocked when I grabbed the 8lb. bucket when we were at cost me $ I don't really know if I am saving money or not...but I'm saving their cholesterol! : )

I do melt about a tablespoon of butter and toss it all over the popcorn! The boys love it!