When my son likes something he REALLY likes it.
We have had two Buzz Lightyear parties in a row and now
two Batman parties back to back!
I had a lot of fun getting ready for this year's party.
So many ideas popped in my head!
Here is the Riddler table for the Adults to sit at!

The Riddler himself, my 8yr. old came up with this all by himself. He had the green clothes and the St.Patrick's Day hat and we went crazy cutting out ?'s on the Cricut!

The kid's table to eat at and decorate masks.
I put the Batman Sheet up as a Paparazzi wall to take pics of the kids standing in front of it!
Thanks to my friend Dyanna over at:
www.thesousakids.blogspot.comShe has a lot of great ideas always!

This is my Penguin Table with the chips in a black top hat and a black umbrella for added decor. All things The Penguin has!
I also cut out penguin shapes on the Cricut to write the dip names on!

Everything on this table was black & yellow.
My inspiration came at Target when I saw Oreos with yellow filling for Spring!
Chocolate Cupcakes with Yellow Sprinkles.
Yellow & White Gum Drops
Black Licorice in a Jar
Lemon Drops

We dug everything Batman out of his room and used that for decoration!

I made this poster with Black & yellow poster board.
(This took a lot of work & measurements, it had to be perfect!)