A Mentor Mom in our MOPS group at church has several orange trees in her backyard. Every year she invites us over to pick oranges. We filled two whole bags with over 80 oranges...you couldn't even tell that we made a dent, that's how many there are on her trees!

This year with all the oranges, I was determined to make orange marmalade.
It is one of my mom's favorite jams.
Thanks to my good friend Dyanna over at Just Simply Live,
who taught me how to make jams & jellies and to properly can them!

I found my recipe over at Ball Jars website.
I omitted the Chili peppers out of the recipe.
It was a lot of slicing of oranges, but so worth it.
I guess you're supposed to use a mandolin, to make it easier.

looks like so much fun:)