Sunday, January 2, 2011

Homemade 7-Up

We hadn't been grocery shopping in awhile! My kids were tired of milk or water as their choice of beverage! I looked around to see what I could make.

A friend at my husband's work gave us a bunch of lemons. We had Pellegrino on hand from a case I bought at Costco(with a coupon) to put in baskets I gave out at Christmas and the simple syrup was left over from my sister's shower!

First, I filled each cup half way with crushed ice, squeezed half a lemon over the ice. Then I poured a little simple syrup...a tablespoon or two. Last, I filled the cup with the Pellegrino and stirred! It was so good! The boys really enjoyed it!

Stocking Holders

All around me, I've noticed moms holding on to random containers and turning them into things.
I did this one night when I made chili and looked at the cans. I washed them out and set them aside.

My sister was married this last October...and she has no Christmas decorations. I really brainstormed how I could make some for her, because I am not a buy at full price kinda girl!

Here's what I came up with:

I spray painted two cans with gloss black spray paint (she loves black & silver). Hot glued heavy river rocks in the inside for added weight. Hot glued black coat hooks ($3.06) and silver snowflake ornaments (4 for $1) to the front & back. To cover the top I hot glued some faux black leather. I think they turned out adorable. She loved them too! Two stocking holders for around $4!