Sunday, January 2, 2011

Homemade 7-Up

We hadn't been grocery shopping in awhile! My kids were tired of milk or water as their choice of beverage! I looked around to see what I could make.

A friend at my husband's work gave us a bunch of lemons. We had Pellegrino on hand from a case I bought at Costco(with a coupon) to put in baskets I gave out at Christmas and the simple syrup was left over from my sister's shower!

First, I filled each cup half way with crushed ice, squeezed half a lemon over the ice. Then I poured a little simple syrup...a tablespoon or two. Last, I filled the cup with the Pellegrino and stirred! It was so good! The boys really enjoyed it!


  1. you are so awesome. what a creative idea.

  2. Thanks so much Heather! And Stickles are little squeeze bottles full of glitter, think of clear paint with glitter in it, used to embellish paper or whatever you want to use it for really.
    LOVE THEM! Get the glittery shine without the mess of glitter! Just have to wait for it to dry!
